I’m Bry and this is Walking Into Mordor!

I used to think traveling was only for people who could afford the most direct flights, the nicest hotels, and the grandest tours. When I first began traveling, I didn’t have any option but to take a more frugal approach, but I soon realized that the experiences gained from going off the beaten path were what made traveling so special.

My Travel Experiences

Hiding from Nazgul in Hobbit's Hideaway on Mount Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand
Top: Myself on the Hobbit’s Hideaway trail on Mount Victoria in Wellington, NZ
Bottom: Still from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, courtesy of New Line Cinema, reproduced here for commentary and educational purposes, not for profit, under fair use.

I first started traveling when an opportunity to study abroad allowed me to travel to New Zealand. I had always wanted to visit New Zealand due to my love of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson’s trilogy that had been filmed there.

Traveling allowed me to combine some of my favorite things: exploring new places, photography, and planning. I had always thought that a blog might be a great way to share my plans and experiences with friends and family. I never thought there would be much interest in my travels and how I planned and found my destinations until my recreations of some Lord of the Rings scenes went viral.